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Kindergarten-6th grades!
Going into

Bring the most visitors to win this mini game!

Highland Drive Baptist Church
515 E. Highland Drive
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Tishia Whipkey, Children’s Minister
Text: 870-803-3334
Phone: 870-932-2197

VBS is here and we are so excited! Kids and preteens entering K-6th grades are invited to attend our VBS. We will immerse ourselves in a gaming theme as we learn how Peter's life was a game changer through his relationship with Jesus. We hope to see you there!
Each year, we like to give back to our community, and we will make this into a contest-boys versus girls! We will be collecting food items for HDBC's food pantry. Kids will be asked to bring different food items each day, and at the end of the week, we will count the total items collected. Depending on if boys or girls bring the most items, Ms. Sarah or Ms. Tishia will be slimed! You can find the list of pantry items below. GAME ON!

VBS Family Program
Friday, June 9, 2023
12PM-HDBC Worship Center
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